Dynamic Facades Systems Build With Nature In Mind


The term “dynamic façade” reflects a vibrant new philosophy of architecture, one which mirrors the increasing awareness that members of the public apply to the buildings in which they work and live. Dynamic façade systems create a visual impact that makes an impression not only on architects, who would be expected to recognize this innovative movement, but also among the ordinary layperson, who sees a building as part of the intrinsic environment of the community.

The Structural Symbiosis of Sustainability and Dynamic Facades

Engineering and architecture, combined with the enhanced public commitment to sustainability, promote the role of dynamic facades. The contemporary architectural surfaces that comprise dynamic façade architecture function as a sort of structural skin. This exciting architectural feature functions as a filter between the interior and exterior of the building, employing the external attributes of sunlight, shade, and ventilation from outside to serve a purpose inside.

The concept of a constructed building and its natural setting having a holistic bond is one which could only have come to fruition with the advances brought about by dynamic façade architecture. As Danpal works with its research and development teams to advance its slogan, Global Vision, Local Focus, we envision the role that the construction industry can play in minimizing energy consumption by interacting benevolently with the environment.

The combination of dynamic façade detail and the solar angle can minimize the negative effects of glare, particularly in urban settings or near airports. Glare is often an undesirable result of highly reflective materials, but the angle at which sunlight hits a dynamic façade system can be a transformative feature of the structure’s esthetic personality.

The New Frontier Of Dynamic Facades Systems

Now that dynamic façade systems have effectively brought architecture into a bold new frontier, Danpal, a pioneer in daylighting architecture, is pushing the envelope when it comes to a building’s envelope, or façade. Imagine the possibilities if a dynamic façade building actually is responsive to natural elements such as sunlight, wind, even climate itself? Consider the impression that a dynamic façade design could create if it was in a constant state of reaction to its surroundings and, on its own, formed a pattern of movement?

Types Of Dynamic Facades

  • The user-control dynamic façade system operates via a building’s internal electronic controls and responds only to the occupant input. The façade performs as a shading device that gives users control of the panel’s angle to manage the amount of light that is transmitted inside.
  • The light projection dynamic façade creates an optical illusion whose appearance can change depending upon the spectator’s view.
  • The light control dynamic façade at work in Abu Dhabi’s Al-Bahr Towers, uses a shading system that is projected to lower the entry of solar energy into the building by 20%.
  • Wind has the capacity to deliver a pattern of motion without wasting energy. A wind responsive dynamic façade can create an interface between the natural environment and the structure. As the wind moves, the façade remains in motion.
  • Nature’s calendar is in force with the seasonal green dynamic façade without depending on a high-tech system. Instead, plants turn the dynamic façade building into a living habitat. This dynamic façade design creates a visually appealing structure that serves the needs of the occupants within, the neighborhood outside and the environment.

Uniting a physical structure with its natural setting is a Danpal tradition, as we develop dynamic façade detail that nurtures the health of our planet and the comfort of the people who live upon it.

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