Plastic Roofing Performs Better And Lasts Longer

Plastic Roofing

Danpal has been in the building business for over half a century. Plastic has been around a lot longer than that, but our research and development experts have found new ways to put this remarkable material to use. Plastic roofing combines the lightweight strength of plastic with Danpal building expertise to create a system that gives roofing an entirely new and dynamic functionality.

Creating a roofing system that employs the utmost in strength and flexibility while supporting the most up-to-date building regulations and codes are the Danpal way of putting our slogan, Global Vision, Local Focus, into practice. We have found that it’s possible to improve building quality, environmental overfinance, and quality of living by maintaining the highest possible standards. We build for the client, and we build for the planet. Our plastic roofing systems demonstrate our dedication to our creed.

Plastic RoofingPlastic Roofing For An Easier Installation

In most construction projects, putting on a new roof is something that clients dread. It’s a lot of work, it’s inconvenient, it’s disruptive. But Danpal plastic roofing has mastered the art of efficiency. That’s because the components of our plastic roofing are designed to be versatile so that they can suit your preferences. Our plastic roofing can be installed on a variety of building designs, from both above and below. We build for strength, using snap-on, dry-glazed, interlocking materials constructed from a choice of two very strong materials, polycarbonate or aluminum.

Energy Efficiency Comes With Plastic Roofing

A building can only be as energy efficient as the materials with which it is made will allow it. That’s another reason why Danpal plastic roofing is so popular. As a company with a presence on five continents, we have a broader understanding of just how important sustainability is. It’s not just people who have lifestyles; buildings have them as well.

Our philosophy is that a building should exist in harmony with the environment and plastic roofing is one of the best ways to accomplish that. Polycarbonate plastic roof panels is as durable as it is light in weight, able to protect against leaks and weather damage so that insulation remains dry inside, even if it’s raining or snowing outside.

Energy efficiency in the home equals financial efficiency in your wallet. You aren’t paying for heating or cooling that isn’t being used because plastic roofing is one of the ways that your home or office keeps fuel—and your money—inside where they belong instead of escaping!

Appearance Counts With Plastic Roofing

Danpal promotes the esthetics of construction as well as its function. Architectural design incorporates standard features—walls, ceilings, windows, doors, etc.—but there’s something else that Danpal and plastic roofing include in building construction and that asset is daylight. It’s a remarkable innovation that a company which is renowned for making high-quality building materials has also been able to pioneer daylighting architecture.

Natural light is a marvelous asset to our living and working environment, one that adds to the esthetic appeal of a structure but also enhances the quality of life for those within.

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