Harnessing Natural Light Through an Insulating Polycarbonate Façade System

Maximizing Natural Light Through an Insulating Polycarbonate Façade System: A Danpatherm System Case Study

In the ever-evolving realm of architectural design, the insulating polycarbonate façade system has emerged as a game-changer. This article explores the remarkable capabilities of these systems, with a spotlight on Danpal’s Danpatherm System, a double high insulation solution designed to illuminate spaces naturally and efficiently. We will also draw inspiration from the renowned “Bangholm Outdoor Centre” project by Holmes Miller Architects, showcasing the transformative power of Danpatherm combined with Danpalon Panels.

Understanding the Significance of the Insulating Polycarbonate Façade System

In the realm of modern architecture, comprehending the profound significance of the insulating polycarbonate façade system is paramount. These systems, a testament to innovation and sustainability, redefine how natural light interacts with interior spaces. As we delve deeper into the architecture of light, we explore the unique attributes of insulating polycarbonate panels and, specifically, Danpal’s Danpatherm system.

This exploration illuminates the transformative potential of these panels, creating environments that seamlessly blend aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. By embracing the insulating façade system, architects unlock the ability to design spaces that not only capture the essence of natural light but also set new standards in energy efficiency and architectural excellence.

The Versatile Properties of Polycarbonate Panels

Exploring the versatility of polycarbonate panels reveals a world of architectural possibilities. These panels have become a go-to choice for architects and builders seeking a harmonious blend of form and function. Their remarkable attributes, including exceptional light transmission, UV resistance, and thermal insulation properties, have redefined how we approach sustainable architectural design. Furthermore, their lightweight yet robust nature grants architects the creative freedom to experiment with various design styles, all while upholding structural integrity.

As we delve into the realm of polycarbonate panels, we unveil the potential they hold for architectural projects, enhancing both aesthetics and energy efficiency. Within this context, we’ll also delve into Danpal’s Danpalon system, a cutting-edge solution that pushes the boundaries of what’s achievable in contemporary architecture.

Introducing Danpatherm System – A Game-Changer in Natural Lighting

Prepare to be introduced to Danpatherm System, a visionary innovation that stands as a cornerstone in the world of architectural design. More than just an insulating polycarbonate façade system, Danpatherm represents a transformative leap forward in the pursuit of natural lighting excellence. At its core, Danpatherm offers unparalleled thermal insulation, ensuring optimal energy efficiency and reduced operational costs for buildings. Its hallmark, however, lies in its capacity to effortlessly diffuse natural light, creating interiors that are not only illuminated but also bathed in a soft, soothing glow.

But the true beauty of Danpatherm is its versatility. Architects have the freedom to incorporate Danpatherm panels into an array of design styles, from curved to flat surfaces, all while maintaining structural integrity. Constructed with premium materials, Danpatherm panels are designed to withstand the test of time, offering longevity and minimal maintenance requirements.

In essence, Danpatherm System redefines the boundaries of architectural possibility, offering architects and builders a revolutionary tool to craft spaces that prioritize aesthetics, sustainability, and functionality with natural light as the centerpiece.

Key Features of Danpatherm:

  1. Superior Insulation: Danpatherm delivers remarkable thermal insulation, ensuring energy efficiency and reduced operational costs for buildings.
  2. Flexibility in Design: Architects have the creative freedom to implement Danpatherm panels into various design styles, and without compromising structural integrity.
  3. Optimal Light Diffusion: Danpatherm panels disperse natural light evenly throughout interior spaces, eliminating harsh glare and creating a comfortable environment.
  4. Enduring Durability: Constructed with premium materials, Danpatherm panels are built to withstand the test of time, offering longevity and minimal maintenance requirements.
  5. Sustainability: By harnessing natural light and reducing reliance on artificial lighting, Danpatherm contributes to greener and more sustainable architectural practices.

The Bangholm Outdoor Centre – A Shining Example of Danpatherm’s Potential

The Bangholm Outdoor Centre, designed by Holmes Miller Architects, exemplifies the transformative impact of Danpatherm’s insulating polycarbonate façade system. For this project, Danpal’s Danpatherm system was selected to construct the sports hall and gym hall, with Danpalon Panels in “Softlite Opal” and “Softlite Clear” colors. The decision to use Danpatherm and Danpalon Panels was rooted in their outstanding properties, perfectly aligning with the project’s objectives.

Danpatherm’s contribution to the Bangholm Outdoor Centre:

  • Abundant Natural Light: The integration of Danpatherm and Danpalon Panels flooded the sports and gym halls with natural light, creating an inviting and dynamic atmosphere.
  • Energy Efficiency: The superior thermal insulation properties of Danpatherm aided in maintaining optimal indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The soft, diffused light created by Danpatherm panels enhanced the visual appeal of the spaces, making them more inviting for athletes and visitors alike.
  • Sustainability: By leveraging the power of natural light, the Bangholm Outdoor Centre significantly reduced its energy consumption and carbon footprint.


Final Words:

In the world of architecture, the marriage between innovation and aesthetics is an ever-evolving journey. The insulating polycarbonate façade system, exemplified by Danpatherm System and showcased through the Bangholm Outdoor Centre project illuminates this path. The harmonious fusion of natural light, energy efficiency, and sustainability is not merely a goal but a reality attainable through Danpal’s solutions. Explore the possibilities of Danpatherm and Danpalon Panels to bring your architectural visions to radiant life.


Summary of fifty years of work at Danpal, Shaul Givoni – October 1970-2020


Today we hear from Shaul Givoni, a Danpal employee of 50 years, who was instrumental in the company’s initial creation and growth.

Shaul recalls his story for us, as well as several highlights in his career, which remind us that his story is also the story of Danpal.

“This October, I am summarizing my 50 consecutive years of work at Danpal! I think that few people in Israel today, work for so many years, especially in one place!

After being discharged from the army in 1965, I returned to the agricultural industry where I worked as a teenager, during my high school years at Kibbutz Dan. The Director in charge of the Agriculture of the Kibbutz, asked me to join Milk Meiri in establishing a new agricultural sector within the industry, specifically avocados. After about a year, I was asked to go out and help a young Kibbutz, which was then called C.S. (Community Service). We left Kibbutz Dan and we moved to Kibbutz Nachshon, where I had also met my future partner Bilha, and upon finishing my “service” in Nachshon, I returned to the avocado industry. After getting married in 1969, we moved for 10 months to Bilha’s Kibbutz, Gan Shmuel, where I was assigned to work in the Kibbutz’s canning factory where the industrial passion also stuck.

When we returned to Dan in October 1970, I informed Milk that I was moving to work at Danpal, (referring to the historic Danpal that began producing various products for the construction industry from P.V.C.).

I started learning the extrusion profession and after about three months, I was trained as a shift manager, and within three years, I was appointed as a Production Manager, which I held for seven years. Once finished with my role as a production manager, we had just purchased a print line of profiles for folding doors, where I spent the following two years with Ita Dan.

It was then that a “historic” event took place, the late Dov Hanis, a representative of “Sukkit” in Israel, the importer of General Electric’s polycarbonate, brought us two PC bags for testing. Together with Nir Ben Zvi (Development Director from our PVC line), we produced several samples, which I took with me to the plastic exhibition in Düsseldorf (I think in 1978). Dov then arranged a meeting with General Electric, where our product was examined and exclaimed as “VERY GOOD!” but it was not the right product for them.

On the forklift in the historic PVC pile

Following this, Dov introduced us to an Israeli architect, Barry Bezner, who at the time was plying his trade in Italy. Barry, who at the time was well acquainted with the European market, also agreed with the assessment given by General Electric. As a result, Barry decided to help us, by leveraging his considerable experience and design something more “appropriate”.

From there I traveled by train to Varese, Italy to visit the Omipa Factory, which Dov had also recommended. Omipa was considered as a pioneer in the production of certain polycarbonate lines, and I recall being very impressed and left with a positive attitude.

We managed to convince Beny Rosen, Director of Danpal, and Amiram Efrati, Director of Dan Industries, with the idea, and from there, we set off.

After due consideration, we bought two production lines from Omipa, built Hall No. 1, and went on to run the line in Italy. Within a short time, we brought production to Israel, and with the help of Shalom Peled (who had by then joined our team), we installed and ran the line in Dan! At the time, the only product we produced, was a standard panel with “feet” 10m long with a width of 400mm. This was the product designed by Barry Bezner, and for which we received our first international patent, which we then held for twenty years!

Initially, we called the factory U-REX but because of a potential conflict, with another factory that had a similar name, we changed it to “Danpalon”. It soon became clear to us, that the world was not yet ready for our new panel, and from there Nir’s hard work began. Nir’s main efforts were spent convincing potential customers in various countries, that there was indeed a place for our product in the architectural market. Our first customer abroad was Henrik Sokuler, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, who owned a factory called “Everlite” in Denmark. In 1982, the first container packed with our new Danpalon panel left Danpal bound for Everlite. Not long after, Sokoler also managed to convince us, to adjust our panels to a width of 600 mm, and from there we never looked back!

Our first significant project in Israel was the Central Train Station in Arlozorov Tel Aviv designed by Rozov, a well-known architect based in Haifa. Rozov dared to use our new unconventional product on a large project, which until then, would have been completely unheard of and deemed too risky.

Installation of a pedestrian crossing in Danpal – The first experimental installation in the world.

Initially, we persevered through several difficult years, which may be considered inevitable for a young start-up, such as ours. In due course as the market responded to our revolutionary product, sales improved, and our turnover increased by many times over. In those early years, shifts were operated by Dan Kibbutz members, and my responsibility was to run production both days and nights! Nir and I both felt a huge commitment to the factory’s success, and in 1983, this responsibility was compounded by the crisis with the banks/Kibbutz. As a result, the initial loan by the Kibbutz for the establishment of the plant weighed heavily on the community.

Our efforts eventually paid off, as sales-driven turnover increased by leaps and bounds until we reached the full utilization of our first production line. We then decided to purchase a second, then third production line, and so on… until the eighth line was installed at our subsidiary in Spain. Looking back, I regard myself as privileged, to have been involved in the design of a large portion of our Danpal products. Beyond this, I am proud to have had positive input on the development of various technologies, such as our various UV protection technology, and improvements in production.

I will spare you the entire history, our Danpal veterans know most of it, but we have added products, customers, and established subsidiaries around the world, up until the global crises of 2008. The crises severely affected our customers, and as a company, we also suffered additional blows that impacted our growth. These include new competitors entering our markets around the world, patents that we had held, which started expiring, and our products being unscrupulously copied!

Currently, we are finding new and innovative ways to enhance our manufacturing practices, develop exciting new products, and improve customer experience.

So, to summarize my 50 consecutive years with Danpal, and 55 years of work in general and if I include work during high school, I have been at it for at least 61 years! I have not yet retired, I am still here, and I continue to provide the factory with valuable input, learned from my long years of service.

It is with great pride that from the early initiative started by both Nir and me, we have reached hundreds of families from around the world, who now make a living from Danpal. We also have supplied thousands of projects from all over the world, and here in Israel, some of them being recognized as prestigious. Our considerable debts to the Kibbutz were all settled and repaid to the very last penny, and today the Kibbutz is in a solid financial condition.

In finishing, I would like to wish all the workers in our Danpal factories, a good future, good health, and most importantly a quick exit from the Corona crisis.”

Shaul Givoni



1. What comes to mind when I say “Danpal”?

For me, it’s the main creation force in my life, a place where I had spent a large part of the day, generated my livelihood, built friendships, through who I saw the world, and our clients’ projects.

2. What do you think of Danpal’s strengths as a company?

The family atmosphere, the dedication of most of the employees, the tremendous experience and knowledge accumulated here and in our subsidiaries.

3. What was the reason for the transition from PVC in the beginning to today’s PC?

As I wrote in my letters, it was a fortunate change that came about, due to our interactions with several key role-players at the time.

This enabled us to move into a new industry, the architectural industry, and away from an already well-established and successful agricultural irrigation industry.

4. Looking back, what was our most significant developments and innovations?

On the roof of the stadium in Macau, China. One of the biggest projects in Asia.

Of course, the most significant development was our first Danpalon panel, using our new connection method (what is called feet or in English standing seam) creating an integrated system.

This meant that the practice of customers needing to cut boards of say 2.1 meters wide (at the time supplied by our competitors), to the desired width, and then connecting them using their own methods, could become a thing of the past.

Using a connector from the same material, which is a hidden connection system that does not require drilling through the board, is a patent we registered for the connection method.

We were the first in the world to produce UV-protected panels using the extrusion line method, in contrast to the method developed by General Electric and used by several manufacturers.

The next significant development was a 16mm panel, with five air spaces on which we also received a patent, and which improved insulation properties significantly.

It is followed by all our industrial Danpalon panels, developed for the Spanish market, which were also unique in the manner in which the panels connected to each other edge to edge.

The next development was the 604 transparent panel, on which Gal was granted a patent using the Danpalon connection method.

Another development was the Controlite concept, which we also patented, but for various reasons, we did not market enough, but which provides a unique solution of variable light control throughout the day.

We have also pioneered the development of panels with colored partitions for decoration and shading purposes.

Finally, I think that our current development of integrated systems using advanced aluminum profiles, and our double-walled solutions (Danpatherm K7 & Danpatherm K12). Systems acting as carriers for fiberglass insulation and LED lighting systems, all supplied with various permits for fire, water and air penetration.

5. What do you wish for the company in the future?

Of course, the continued development of our existing product lines, but also entry into new markets that will remain viable for many years to come.

6. What developments and innovations do you think we need to step up successfully?

We have two options, to delve deeper into developing better solutions in our field of architectural glazing, and to open ourselves to new innovative industries as well. The field of extrusion is fairly limited by the very method of production, but if we apply some creativity and investment, I have full confidence in success!

7. What would you like to say to the new and young employees in the group who are just starting out in Danpal?

I think that the future is not entirely predictable and so depends on us, so new employees should deepen their knowledge, whether by way of formal education or self-study (as I did).

Often young people today, are not exposed to manual labor and shift work, as we might have been in the past. So today, the road to an incentivized career path for future Danpal employees, needs some thinking.

8. What do you think the future for the global polycarbonate industry?

This industry can be said to be in a certain type of crisis, as large amounts of material had been diverted to the disc industry, which has since fallen drastically. In our specific field, the main obstacle to growth, for which we need to find solutions is for fire regulations.

With the ongoing tightening of standards and requirements, finding solutions in this area as well as in others, such as extending the service life of the panels, is critical.

We would like to take this moment to thank Shaul, for his immense input to Danpal, one which should never be undervalued.
Shaul has become an icon at Danpal, and has shown us all what is possible when consistency is partnered with belief and effort.


Double Wall Polycarbonate Sheet System In Building Designs


Seen from the outside, a double wall polycarbonate sheet, you will find a building that’s designed well and made with quality products appears to be a compact unit.  However, there’s no way to see, from the outside, all the individual pieces that are in play within to keep the building standing and functioning.  When you glance at the Magic Cube in France, you immediately notice the brilliant colors that give the structure such a dynamic appearance.  You might even detect, if you’re familiar with Danpal’s world-renowned reputation for developing quality materials, the brand of a company that has imprinted its excellence on every structure that’s made using its products.  But you aren’t noticing the internal pieces that make the building one which is durable, weather-resistant and energy-efficient. What you don’t notice is at the heart of the Danpal name.  The double glazed facade detail are the reason why the weather stays out and the heat and cooling stay inside. Knowing that, you can appreciate the achievement that Danpal accomplishes by uniting quality with strength.

Double Wall Polycarbonate

How the Double Wall Polycarbonate Sheet System Works

Keeping insulation dry is central to a building’s architectural health.  Danpal wall cladding uses a double wall polycarbonate sheet system to safeguard a building’s insulation so that the moisture that weather leaves behind does not invade the internal space.  Danpal polycarbonate wall cladding is designed with an air gap to provide natural ventilation; the convective motion is what keeps the insulation moisture-free.  Double-notching, connector-bound microcell polycarbonate sheets give a building the invisible muscle that keeps rain, snow and hail from penetrating the exterior barrier. 

Translucent Multiwall Polycarbonate Sheet Protection

You don’t notice that a multiwall polycarbonate sheet, an invisible army of translucent polycarbonate sheeting is protecting the building from the damage that weather can do. You can admire the beauty of a building and appreciate its function.  But at Danpal, we make it our business to reinforce what you can’t see with the expertise we’ve gained after over a half century of developing innovative products.

How Double Wall Polycarbonate Became So Popular As A Building Material

Actually, in its early days, polycarbonate was used for commercial construction alone, because it was expensive and because it seemed more suitable for high-profile venues like restaurants. Now, of course, it’s known for its strength and for its resistance to the rough weather elements. That increased demand for the product, and the appreciation for what double wall polycarbonate panels can provide for a building, brought the price down to reasonable levels. Polycarbonate wall systems remain popular in commercial structures, but architects also employ double wall polycarbonate panels in residential construction as well.

How A Polycarbonate Wall Panel System Reflects Modern Tastes And Priorities

The architect designing a building for today’s consumer is addressing concerns which are both pragmatic and visionary. The light transmission of double polycarbonate panels is approximately 85%, creating less condensation. Because air can be trapped between the walls, the increase in energy efficiency reduces heating costs by as much as 50%.

A polycarbonate wall section saves money on installation costs because its light weight makes it unbelievably easy to install. If sizing needs to be changed onsite, regular tools can take care of the job. The components that make up a polycarbonate wall are rigid, yet they can be customized. You can’t get much more practical than in the construction industry.

At the same time, that double wall polycarbonate sheet that proved its toughness and durability throughout the building process becomes a wellness coach for the occupants of the building. Natural light is favored over artificial lighting not only because it enhances visual ability, but because, as more daylight is brought inside, it improves the overall physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual ambience for those inside the building. Studies have shown that exterior wall panels transform internal living and working spaces into holistic areas where natural light, controlled for glare and shade, promote more productivity and optimism within.

A polycarbonate wall panel system lasts longer, reinforcing the concept that we ought not to design buildings as if they’re disposable. A polycarbonate wall, which does not contain materials that could be hazardous to humans, also possesses fire-resistant capabilities, making it especially efficient in areas that are fire-prone. Double wall polycarbonate takes going green in a brand new direction by being good for plants! By keeping out UV rays, double wall polycarbonate panels, which have a cellular structure able to diffuse direct sunlight, are ideal for greenhouses.

As we move deeper into the 21st century, architects are learning how to merge the functional requirements of construction with the holistic elements that benefit the planet and the people—and plants!—that depend upon it. It’s a new mindset for a new era, one particularly suited for a company like Danpal, which lives out its Global Vision, Local Focus motto in all our business practices.

Learn more about our Double Wall Polycarbonate System Danpatherm HERE!

The Strength And Appeal Of A Double Skin Façade System

What is “double skin facade”?

A double skin façade is a structural term that refers to the two façades of a building, typically the vertical element, with a cavity in between them. Within that cavity is an air flow. The benefit of this system is the way that it maintains a consistent temperature, a sign that energy is being used efficiently. If you’re cozy and warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, then you probably don’t even think about whether or not your heating and cooling systems are operating at their most efficient levels. But when energy is being lost, and temperatures have to be adjusted, it’s a sign that you’re losing energy. Energy lost is energy wasted and that means money is spent for energy you aren’t using. Installation of an architectural curtain wall can restore the balance of your heating and cooling systems so that the double skin façade takes on some of the work of keeping a building’s interior spaces warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

The matter of energy is particularly apparent in big-city construction, where limited space makes high-rise buildings an inevitable part of the landscape. However, these buildings carry immense weight, an obstacle in architectural design. An architectural curtain wall alleviates the issue of weight by adding polycarbonate, which carries a high convection coefficient rather than a construction material that would lead to greater thermal loss.

The subject of façades leads to an examination of polycarbonate. When a segment of a building’s front exterior employs a polycarbonate curtain wall system as part of daylighting architecture, we’re reminded of the powerful visual appeal of glass. Thanks to the major improvements made in façade engineering, polycarbonate is a primary construction material for contemporary buildings.

Curtain walling describes the nonstructural outer wall of a building whose purpose is to block weather from penetrating the structure’s interior while at the same time ensuring the comfort of the people within.

The nonstructural status of a double glazing curtain wall allows it to be made out of lightweight material like polycarbonate. A primary aspect of double skin façade detail is its ability to present a barrier to the air and moisture that wind, rain, and snow could bring inside. These double façade systems can withstand the wind loads while absorbing the wind sway.

The polycarbonate of a double skin façade system adds flexibility to the design of the building, because it can be molded into

different shapes. A double-skin curtain wall’s performance is matched by its attractive aesthetic benefits, with transparent and translucent capabilities that feature natural light as part of the internal setting. By its ability to allow sunlight to enter into a building, a curtain wall façade helps to economize on energy costs. That’s because you’re using more natural light and less artificial light. The way that technology has enhanced the properties of polycarbonate has turned polycarbonate into an ally in the regulation of building heating and cooling. Further investigation into the properties of the architectural curtain wall will validate your decision to install it in your home or office building.

Architectural Curtain Wall Energy Efficiency

Curtain Wall System

You might think that a nonstructural component of a building design would be an insignificant part of the structure, but that’s not the case. polycarbonate panel façades assist a building in the crucial area of energy efficiency, a topic which has become a shared concern of a growing majority of the world’s population. Keep in mind that the double skin façade, because the intermediate cavity between the two layers reinforces the system’s insulating capacity against winds, extremes in temperature, and also sound, offers a multifunctional advantage.

A building’s thermal efficiency needs to be able to perform in both high and low temperatures, a task which a polycarbonate curtain wall can easily accomplish. Double skin façades, because of their adaptability to hot and cold temperatures, add diversity to the heating and cooling process. If you live in a cold climate, the air buffer serves as a barrier to prevent heat loss. On the other hand, when the cavity in the polycarbonate curtain wall has absorbed heat, it’s able to provide warmth for space outside the polycarbonate, thereby lowering the demand on your indoor heating system. Your architectural curtain wall can also be enhanced with modifications such as inlets, outlet fins, or air circulators to benefit the performance of the façade.

The double skin façade system, which readily adapts to the temperature changes brought by the different seasons of the year, improves the internal insulation by keeping it dry, lowering utility costs, and supporting environmental standards designed to benefit the planet and the people who live on it.

Another feature of a double polycarbonate curtain wall system that enhances its ecological value is the fact that polycarbonate is inherently better able to keep its appearance and integrity longer than more traditional building materials. For one thing, polycarbonate doesn’t rust the way metal does. It doesn’t become weathered the way that wood does. A polycarbonate curtain wall provides a dual purpose by supporting energy efficiency, always a priority in our climate-conscious world, and at the same time, strengthening the system itself. This immunity to the danger posed by the elements makes your double curtain wall environmentally superior in performance.

How Danpal’s Double Skin Façades Benefit the Environment

We all know that in poorer countries, maintaining sustainable environmental practices can be a challenge. But did you know that in industrialized countries, buildings account for 40% of the energy usage? Our buildings are modern and technologically advanced, but it’s our responsibility to make sure that they adhere to the federally regulated environmental standards which are intended to protect the planet. Double skin façades are proven to effectively improve thermal efficiency. This advance in the architectural curtain wall structure achieves that highly desired win-win combination: thermal efficiency that promotes responsible energy usage while, at the same time, providing a financial benefit to the individual. Danpal is committed to customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility; with our polycarbonate curtain walls, we fulfill both

Danpal, which because of its commercial presence on five continents is acknowledged as an international leader in the building industry, is especially diligent in developing and maintaining systems like the double skin wall for façade which please our clients and protect our environment.

The quest for improved energy efficiency has led to the development of a double skin façade that not only supports good environmental stewardship but also provide better overall weather protection for buildings. The double skin curtain wall system is one of the ways in which Danpal research and innovation have helped the company remain true to its Global Vision, Local Focus philosophy in its business practices. With half a century of experience in the building industry, Danpal has become a leader in new and innovative product manufacturing that is as high in performance quality as it is holistic in its effects on the environment.

Contact us today for a free demonstration of the Danpatherm System and be ready for your next double skin façade project!

Double Glazed Facade


Double glazed facade is designed so that air flows within the gap between the two facades. The Danpathern panels in the façade system allows either the interior or exterior one to be removed without reducing the effectiveness of the weather protection.  This is an obvious advantage when considering long-term maintenance. Danpal prides itself on the ease of installation of its products, something which is demonstrated fully with its double glazed facades.

Double Glazed Façade Design Saves Time and Money

The Danpatherm panels are pre-fabricated at the factory and arrive at the worksite ready to be installed.  The efficiency of this production process reduces the amount of time and number of workers who are needed for the installation of the system. Whenever time is saved, the economic advantage shows up soon after in the bank account.  The efficiency of production is a Danpal characteristic, one which is appreciated by architects and clients alike. 

Double Polycarbonate Facades Reinforce Protection From The Elements

Danpatherm is a Danpal product that possesses superior thermal properties, making it particularly adept at storing and transmitting heat. It also possesses the level of strength that is wind-resistant, keeping out those parts of nature that belong outside, not in.  

Double Skin Facade Bring In Natural Light

Another special attraction of the Danpal double skin facade is the way that natural light is incorporated into the interior of the structure.  Controlite System, which is made of translucent glazing materials, has internal louvres which adjust in order to maintain a no-glare interior space within the rooms. This provides natural light that results in better visibility, contributes to the comfort of the interior, and spares the occupants from the glare that would be present outside. No need for sunglasses inside, even if the sunlight is present!

Read about the light transmission of double wall polycarbonate sheets >

Learn More about Danpatherm System and use it in your next Double Glazed Facade Project

Danpatherm – The Bearer of Light

As architecture moves forward, buildings face the ever-evolving challenge of, how to stand-out among the crowd. As a supplier, Danpal has a potential answer, and we refer to it as Danpatherm. This cassette-based concept gives us the opportunity to use our Danpatherm K7 and Danpatherm K12 based façade solutions, as carriers for advanced LED lighting systems. This trick of lighting is unique in our market, and is what allows the Danpatherm Façade System to ‘stand-out from the crowd’.

Danpatherm Let’s take a step back for a moment, so we can understand what sets the K7 and K12 façade solution, apart from other translucent offerings. The Danpatherm design concept relies on the implementation of fully finished off pre-fabricated cassettes, which are flanked by Danpalon panels covering each face. These double-glazed units are sealed-off against external elements and arrive on-site, sized and ready for installation. Having the finished product arrive on-site, drastically reduces both the man-power and man-hours need for a successful installation.

So we have established that time on site can be reduced, and that the cassettes arrive fully completed, negating the need for additional engineering on site. The next attribute to consider, which is key to our Danpatherm system, is that in our case, double-glazing means that you can remove either the exterior or interior face of the cassette, without compromising the weather line. When considering long-term maintenance issues, this ability will become both ever more important and impressive. Can you imagine the cost implications of needing to have an entire façade removed, and in doing so, compromise the building’s occupants?


The next more obvious point to cover, is that by using two Danpalon microcell panels, together in a single cassette – we can more than double the U-Value! More than double the u-value, just how is this possible, you might ask? Well, by separating the 2 Danpalon panels with an air-gap, we have essentially trapped a layer of air, as additional insulation. Still not enough, how about using the cassette as a carrier for glass fibre insulation material, and achieving a u-value of 0.52 W/m2 K! A point to remember is that even by adding in the insulation material, we are still able to achieve measurable levels of light transmission.

Now, if it wasn’t enough that a single façade system type, could offer all these attributes, with some of them being completely unique – K7 and K12 can also bring you LED light! To achieve this highly technical feat of engineering, Danpal partnered with LED lighting experts, who together developed a bespoke lighting solution for the Danpatherm cassette module. The solution is comprised of separate IP67 outdoor certified LED units, each with the capability to produce a full spectrum of both colored and white light.

What does this mean for an architect, and what does this mean for their next building project? It means that the architect now has the power to uniquely transform the very face of the building, into a vivid display of light! A display of light that reflects the architect’s intention and that speaks the design language of the building. A perfect example of this technology in use can be seen in use, in the Antel Arena in Uruguay. This multi-purpose indoor sports arena, can cater for up to 15 000 people and lights up the night time sky, with a light display visible from miles around.

Perhaps it is time that we re-think our view on Danpatherm, and in the process, rediscover the magic of LED light displays. To look upon our projects with an eye for, what might be and what can be done, by approaching the design with a ‘child-like’ openness to the ‘impossible’. At Danpal, we have a habit of turning the impossible into reality, by allowing our clients the magic, to design with light. We call this… Light Architecture!