Harnessing Natural Light Through an Insulating Polycarbonate Façade System

Maximizing Natural Light Through an Insulating Polycarbonate Façade System: A Danpatherm System Case Study

In the ever-evolving realm of architectural design, the insulating polycarbonate façade system has emerged as a game-changer. This article explores the remarkable capabilities of these systems, with a spotlight on Danpal’s Danpatherm System, a double high insulation solution designed to illuminate spaces naturally and efficiently. We will also draw inspiration from the renowned “Bangholm Outdoor Centre” project by Holmes Miller Architects, showcasing the transformative power of Danpatherm combined with Danpalon Panels.

Understanding the Significance of the Insulating Polycarbonate Façade System

In the realm of modern architecture, comprehending the profound significance of the insulating polycarbonate façade system is paramount. These systems, a testament to innovation and sustainability, redefine how natural light interacts with interior spaces. As we delve deeper into the architecture of light, we explore the unique attributes of insulating polycarbonate panels and, specifically, Danpal’s Danpatherm system.

This exploration illuminates the transformative potential of these panels, creating environments that seamlessly blend aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability. By embracing the insulating façade system, architects unlock the ability to design spaces that not only capture the essence of natural light but also set new standards in energy efficiency and architectural excellence.

The Versatile Properties of Polycarbonate Panels

Exploring the versatility of polycarbonate panels reveals a world of architectural possibilities. These panels have become a go-to choice for architects and builders seeking a harmonious blend of form and function. Their remarkable attributes, including exceptional light transmission, UV resistance, and thermal insulation properties, have redefined how we approach sustainable architectural design. Furthermore, their lightweight yet robust nature grants architects the creative freedom to experiment with various design styles, all while upholding structural integrity.

As we delve into the realm of polycarbonate panels, we unveil the potential they hold for architectural projects, enhancing both aesthetics and energy efficiency. Within this context, we’ll also delve into Danpal’s Danpalon system, a cutting-edge solution that pushes the boundaries of what’s achievable in contemporary architecture.

Introducing Danpatherm System – A Game-Changer in Natural Lighting

Prepare to be introduced to Danpatherm System, a visionary innovation that stands as a cornerstone in the world of architectural design. More than just an insulating polycarbonate façade system, Danpatherm represents a transformative leap forward in the pursuit of natural lighting excellence. At its core, Danpatherm offers unparalleled thermal insulation, ensuring optimal energy efficiency and reduced operational costs for buildings. Its hallmark, however, lies in its capacity to effortlessly diffuse natural light, creating interiors that are not only illuminated but also bathed in a soft, soothing glow.

But the true beauty of Danpatherm is its versatility. Architects have the freedom to incorporate Danpatherm panels into an array of design styles, from curved to flat surfaces, all while maintaining structural integrity. Constructed with premium materials, Danpatherm panels are designed to withstand the test of time, offering longevity and minimal maintenance requirements.

In essence, Danpatherm System redefines the boundaries of architectural possibility, offering architects and builders a revolutionary tool to craft spaces that prioritize aesthetics, sustainability, and functionality with natural light as the centerpiece.

Key Features of Danpatherm:

  1. Superior Insulation: Danpatherm delivers remarkable thermal insulation, ensuring energy efficiency and reduced operational costs for buildings.
  2. Flexibility in Design: Architects have the creative freedom to implement Danpatherm panels into various design styles, and without compromising structural integrity.
  3. Optimal Light Diffusion: Danpatherm panels disperse natural light evenly throughout interior spaces, eliminating harsh glare and creating a comfortable environment.
  4. Enduring Durability: Constructed with premium materials, Danpatherm panels are built to withstand the test of time, offering longevity and minimal maintenance requirements.
  5. Sustainability: By harnessing natural light and reducing reliance on artificial lighting, Danpatherm contributes to greener and more sustainable architectural practices.

The Bangholm Outdoor Centre – A Shining Example of Danpatherm’s Potential

The Bangholm Outdoor Centre, designed by Holmes Miller Architects, exemplifies the transformative impact of Danpatherm’s insulating polycarbonate façade system. For this project, Danpal’s Danpatherm system was selected to construct the sports hall and gym hall, with Danpalon Panels in “Softlite Opal” and “Softlite Clear” colors. The decision to use Danpatherm and Danpalon Panels was rooted in their outstanding properties, perfectly aligning with the project’s objectives.

Danpatherm’s contribution to the Bangholm Outdoor Centre:

  • Abundant Natural Light: The integration of Danpatherm and Danpalon Panels flooded the sports and gym halls with natural light, creating an inviting and dynamic atmosphere.
  • Energy Efficiency: The superior thermal insulation properties of Danpatherm aided in maintaining optimal indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The soft, diffused light created by Danpatherm panels enhanced the visual appeal of the spaces, making them more inviting for athletes and visitors alike.
  • Sustainability: By leveraging the power of natural light, the Bangholm Outdoor Centre significantly reduced its energy consumption and carbon footprint.


Final Words:

In the world of architecture, the marriage between innovation and aesthetics is an ever-evolving journey. The insulating polycarbonate façade system, exemplified by Danpatherm System and showcased through the Bangholm Outdoor Centre project illuminates this path. The harmonious fusion of natural light, energy efficiency, and sustainability is not merely a goal but a reality attainable through Danpal’s solutions. Explore the possibilities of Danpatherm and Danpalon Panels to bring your architectural visions to radiant life.


Colored Translucent Facades Bring Color, Light, And Protection To A Building

Colored translucent facades represent one of the most compelling and adaptable concepts in contemporary architecture. Individually, these three words demonstrate distinct aspects of Danpal’s versatile command of research, design, and manufacturing. Color is one of the most dramatic ways in which an architect embellishes the design that takes form. Translucence exhibits the way that natural light from outside can become an internal feature of a home, office, shopping center, restaurant, or any building which embraces daylighting architecture. The façade itself is the face that the building shows to the world. In this article, we’ll explore the way in which colored translucent facades incorporate the beauty of natural light with the architectural feature which turns sunlight into a dazzling building component.

Color: How Colored Translucent Facades Create An Impression

Color needs no definition. Yet, as familiar as we are with the hues of our existence, we may fail to give color its due. We instinctively respond to the energetic mood inspired by the color red, but would we find red walls an inviting atmosphere in a hospital waiting room? We recognize that blue is a color that soothes, but if the goal is to create an ambiance of stirring vitality, we might choose another color. Even though we each have our own favorite colors, we often share similar responses when we see them.

Dynamic facades put color in the driver’s seat of architecture. Imagine if all the buildings in a neighborhood or a commercial complex were the same color. Even if the structures had different designs, they would lack the distinguishing identifying mark that sets one apart from the other. Colored translucent facades transform a building’s external appearance, making the most of its uniqueness.

Translucent: How Colored Translucent Facades Incorporate Light Into A Building’s Appearance

With more than half a century of experience behind us, Danpal has become known as a pioneer in manufacturing and design. This is especially true in the way we’ve blazed a trail with our daylighting architecture. Cutting-edge research and technological advances make it possible for architects to add natural light—not too much, not too little—into the interior spaces of buildings where we work and live. Externally, light shimmers and moves as a kinetic façade captivates the eye. Internally, we find that including light makes us feel better, giving us an enhanced feeling of well-being, and makes us more productive. All this, thanks to colored translucent facades.

Facades: The Architectural Feature That Adds So Much To A Building

While it’s true that colored translucent facades do not play a structure-supporting role in the construction of a building, that’s not really the point. A Danpal façade made of polycarbonate can provide protection from the elements. Polycarbonate is a remarkably strong and durable building material. It’s strong enough to stop a bullet, so you know that it’s able to defend a building from the damage that can come when weather unleashes rain, hail, wind, snow, and sunlight upon a structure. Polycarbonate is even able to shield a building’s occupants from the harmful effects of UV rays while they’re inside. Polycarbonate is the powerful material which gives a dynamic façade its superior performance capabilities. Impact resistance, maximum thermal conduction, energy efficiency… a colored translucent façade is more than just a building’s pretty face; with polycarbonate as a component, there are measurable benefits as well.

Now that you know how colored translucent facades can make the difference in a building’s image and performance, you can understand why Danpal products and systems are so highly regarded among architects and their clients. Choose the company that designs and manufactures with customer satisfaction in mind. Choose Danpal!

Colored Facades Make the Danpal Difference In Architecture

A colored façade demonstrates the way that the functional aspects of architecture blend with the esthetic nuances that turn a building, whether it’s a magnificent structure or a simple residence, into wholeness. In order for the esthetics to be fully displayed, the architecture must exhibit structural integrity. Architectural facades have a specific function that’s much more than the strength and durability of polycarbonate, more than energy efficiency or ease of installation. The building where you work may be no more than the place where you go each day so that you can afford a place to live. But what if both structures, your workplace and your home, fulfill a deeper need within you? What if what you want from the physical edifices where you live can exemplify your commitment to sustainability, your need to live and work in a safe environment, and that intangible, internal desire for beauty? Such aspirations are no longer seen as irrelevant, and Danpal, with a business presence on five continents, has absorbed the diversity of those varying climates and cultures. We develop systems and manufacture products which meet the expectations of the architects and their clients. The architectural facades by Danpal are just one of the ways in which our company offers complete satisfaction.

The Role of a Colored Façade in Architecture

Visual senses are stimulated by the way that color is integrated within architectural facades. Danpal has created a palette of colors, finishes, and textures to enhance the foundation of construction. The right blend of colors can conjure a sense of vitality that allows a building to come alive within the confines of its setting. When colors move from cooler tones to warmer ones, architectural facades create a sense of movement. The power of the imagination is most completely on display when the physical dimensions of a building are in harmony with the shades of the colored façade. The perception of beauty may be limited to the eye of the beholder, but a well-designed building that employs color and design is a fit setting for the work that goes on within its walls..

Colored Facades and Energy Efficiency

No client would be satisfied with an architectural design that only delivered on esthetics. Today’s consumers expect the buildings in which we work and live to meet the needs of the environment and the expectations of all who live and work within that structure. Danpal, working with the creed of Global Vision, Local Focus, understands that architectural facades, as much as skylights, roofing systems, and any other feature of construction, fulfill a purpose.

There once was a time when architects depended upon glass to convey the esthetic beauty that they wanted their designs to nurture. But glass fails the energy efficiency test. Polycarbonate, on the other hand, is strong enough to withstand the punishing effects of wind, snow, rain and even sunlight. At the same time, a color façade made of polycarbonate offers superior insulating capabilities which glass lacks.

Danpal, a trailblazer in the construction industry, has a research and development team that can unite sound manufacturing practices with contemporary environmental standards. Sustainability is a concept which increasingly defines the lifestyles of consumers who are aware that in order to support the needs of our fragile planet, we must affirm our commitment to these principles.

Architectural Facades, Construction, and Comfort

Danpal’s dedication to customer satisfaction is based upon our commitment to excellence. Regulations and standards and building codes must be met. Performance must conform to the needs of the building. Attention to environmental needs is a priority. But it doesn’t end there. How do you, the customer, feel about the buildings where you spend the bulk of your day, working and living? Are you comfortable within the walls of those structures? Does your home, office, workplace enhance your productivity and sense of wellbeing?

That’s the Danpal goal: a better building environment for a happier you!

The Threat Posed By UV Rays To A Colored Façade

When a building design and a colored façade join forces, the end result is brilliant and beguiling architecture. A building’s façade system doesn’t merely enhance the performance of a structure. Who can resist the allure of bold reds, cool blues, brilliant yellows? Whether it’s located in a residential or commercial area, a building that boasts a colored façade sheeting design is going to attract positive attention. No one wants to work or live in a building whose dull colors are proof that it has seen better days and is now well past its prime. Color gives a building life.

Why does color have such a powerful effect? Perhaps it’s because color is not only visual. Color communicates the language of a building. When color is combined with texture, finish, light, and shadow, it takes on versatility, conveying a message that may be subtle or dramatic, lively or calming, traditional or contemporary. That message is an architectural marketing tool for the structure. What is your color façade saying to the world?

Identifying The Threats To Colored Facades

Of course, there are considerations that need to be evaluated during the process of choosing the colored façade that’s right for your structure, particularly how to reduce the effects of fading that UV rays can cause, making once-brilliant tones turn drab and dull.

The sun that we love can also be the UV threat that buildings hate. Colors make a creative statement that gives a building its own personality. Intense colors like reds and blues are striking to the eye. However, colors are vulnerable to the elements. Certainly wind, rain, and cold weather are harsh on a structure, but so is sunlight. A colored façade design, those ventilated layers of plastic, polycarbonate, glass, wood, and metal that create a three-dimensional impression, also is vulnerable to the effects of the elements. In fact, UV rays can not only cause colors to fade, but also have the ability to inflict fundamental deterioration to the sheeting material itself.

We can’t just blame the weather for the fading that can take place over time. Humans have to accept some of the blame. The pollution that causes harm to our respiratory systems and threatens peril to the environment is also an enemy to the inanimate structures in which we live and work and play. Pollution robs colored facades of their dynamic appearance over time. The grime that coats a surface leads to dullness until a once-brilliant red erodes into a drab pink. When that happens, a building that was once an eye-catching asset to a community begins to look tired and worn, diminishing the appearance of the entire neighborhood.

The colors that make the boldest statement—red, blue, yellow—are also those that are the most likely to fade from the effects of UV rays. Unfortunately, UV radiation is brutal on pigmentation.

Danpal R&D Supports Long Life For Colored Facades

It’s significant that Danpal, the company that has blazed an innovative path in the construction industry for over half a century, maintains a presence on five continents. Experiencing weather on five continents teaches engineers and designers a lot about how to match materials to weather zones. In order to assist a translucent façade in the maintaining of its color brilliance, Danpal products are manufactured to meet the specific demands of their different environmental factors. Products may be adapted for hot or cool climates in dry or wet regions. In order to choose materials that will give the colors of a façade system a longer life, choose Danpal products. We know our colors and we know how to make them last!

The Importance of Color Specification for Facades Design

As often as we make decisions based upon color specification—a new car, a new dress, new living room furniture, even a pair of shoes—we often still fail to realize how our assessment of a product is intricately connected to our own personality. Color has meaning. In many Western cultures, black symbolizes mourning and death. Mourning in Eastern societies is often noted by the color white which, in the West, is a traditional preference for wedding gowns. What’s the reason for these dramatic differences in color perceptions? First of all, color preferences are subjective. . You may love the color blue, but can you explain why? You see the difficulty that can arise when a client tries to explain personal color preferences in terms of architecture. A design can’t come to fruition based solely on a fondness for the color blue. Color specification and architecture can, when external attributes such as cultural influences, environmental factors, and even energy efficiency are appropriately weighed in, yield a stunning result that performs its functional role while satisfying esthetic expectations.

Color Specification And Double Skin Facades

We see with our eyes, but our eyes see with our brains. That’s why an architect is charged with creating a design that matches our needs and wants with the purpose of a structure. While the proposed function of a building determines its intrinsic design, color specification is still a significant consideration when assessing how the structure will blend into its particular environment and how it will be used by the occupants. A gymnasium will have a very different appearance from a boutique, for example, and yet, even with these decidedly different structures, there are areas in which color specification matters.

Architectural innovation embarked upon a new direction in the twentieth century with the development of double skin facades. In this process, a building’s enclosing wall is separated from the structure, giving the architect greater flexibility in developing the design. As consumers prioritized energy efficiency and personal comfort, the popularity of double skin facades accelerated. The results include improved thermal insulation, a healthier environment through natural ventilation, expanded use of natural light, and a reduction in the demand for heating and cooling.

As the functional aspects of architectural curtain wall and cladding improve a building’s energy efficiency, color specification improves its esthetic appeal. Again, the human brain reacts to the allure of color in very different ways, making this dimension one which develops a new direction for architects and their design.

The Influence Of Color Specification

Architecture is influenced by the varying perceptions that we have of color. As we have noted, architects employ color to add to a building’s attractiveness by appealing to the human affinity for beauty. Color affects our mood and our productivity and can even affect their personal wellbeing.

Through the deliberate application of color, a building’s exterior can either catch the eye of passers-by or subtly blend into the surrounding area. Muted colors make a surface seem larger; vivid colors shrink the dimensions.

Certain colors automatically trigger dynamic attention. Bold, bright red summons a response. Yellow is a popular choice of color for day care centers and elementary schools where children respond to its brightness and cheer. Studies have shown that blue has calming properties that can actually lower blood pressure. Blue light, which slows the production of melatonin, increases alertness. Because it is so often used for external cladding and internal office space, it conjures an impression of depth. Nature lovers who spend their days in office buildings welcome the color green, which is also a restful color. Likewise, brown evokes the natural environment. White, a clean, pure color, has a special popularity for architects and their clients. Achromatic gray, sometimes seen as not a color at all, evokes a sense of balance. Black is a powerful color with both visual and emotional effects on viewers.

Color specification is one of the building blocks of an architect’s design. Through the use of color, an architect creates a structure which not only inspires attention, but also has the power to improve human wellbeing.

Double Wall Polycarbonate Sheet System In Building Designs


Seen from the outside, a double wall polycarbonate sheet, you will find a building that’s designed well and made with quality products appears to be a compact unit.  However, there’s no way to see, from the outside, all the individual pieces that are in play within to keep the building standing and functioning.  When you glance at the Magic Cube in France, you immediately notice the brilliant colors that give the structure such a dynamic appearance.  You might even detect, if you’re familiar with Danpal’s world-renowned reputation for developing quality materials, the brand of a company that has imprinted its excellence on every structure that’s made using its products.  But you aren’t noticing the internal pieces that make the building one which is durable, weather-resistant and energy-efficient. What you don’t notice is at the heart of the Danpal name.  The double glazed facade detail are the reason why the weather stays out and the heat and cooling stay inside. Knowing that, you can appreciate the achievement that Danpal accomplishes by uniting quality with strength.

Double Wall Polycarbonate

How the Double Wall Polycarbonate Sheet System Works

Keeping insulation dry is central to a building’s architectural health.  Danpal wall cladding uses a double wall polycarbonate sheet system to safeguard a building’s insulation so that the moisture that weather leaves behind does not invade the internal space.  Danpal polycarbonate wall cladding is designed with an air gap to provide natural ventilation; the convective motion is what keeps the insulation moisture-free.  Double-notching, connector-bound microcell polycarbonate sheets give a building the invisible muscle that keeps rain, snow and hail from penetrating the exterior barrier. 

Translucent Multiwall Polycarbonate Sheet Protection

You don’t notice that a multiwall polycarbonate sheet, an invisible army of translucent polycarbonate sheeting is protecting the building from the damage that weather can do. You can admire the beauty of a building and appreciate its function.  But at Danpal, we make it our business to reinforce what you can’t see with the expertise we’ve gained after over a half century of developing innovative products.

How Double Wall Polycarbonate Became So Popular As A Building Material

Actually, in its early days, polycarbonate was used for commercial construction alone, because it was expensive and because it seemed more suitable for high-profile venues like restaurants. Now, of course, it’s known for its strength and for its resistance to the rough weather elements. That increased demand for the product, and the appreciation for what double wall polycarbonate panels can provide for a building, brought the price down to reasonable levels. Polycarbonate wall systems remain popular in commercial structures, but architects also employ double wall polycarbonate panels in residential construction as well.

How A Polycarbonate Wall Panel System Reflects Modern Tastes And Priorities

The architect designing a building for today’s consumer is addressing concerns which are both pragmatic and visionary. The light transmission of double polycarbonate panels is approximately 85%, creating less condensation. Because air can be trapped between the walls, the increase in energy efficiency reduces heating costs by as much as 50%.

A polycarbonate wall section saves money on installation costs because its light weight makes it unbelievably easy to install. If sizing needs to be changed onsite, regular tools can take care of the job. The components that make up a polycarbonate wall are rigid, yet they can be customized. You can’t get much more practical than in the construction industry.

At the same time, that double wall polycarbonate sheet that proved its toughness and durability throughout the building process becomes a wellness coach for the occupants of the building. Natural light is favored over artificial lighting not only because it enhances visual ability, but because, as more daylight is brought inside, it improves the overall physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual ambience for those inside the building. Studies have shown that exterior wall panels transform internal living and working spaces into holistic areas where natural light, controlled for glare and shade, promote more productivity and optimism within.

A polycarbonate wall panel system lasts longer, reinforcing the concept that we ought not to design buildings as if they’re disposable. A polycarbonate wall, which does not contain materials that could be hazardous to humans, also possesses fire-resistant capabilities, making it especially efficient in areas that are fire-prone. Double wall polycarbonate takes going green in a brand new direction by being good for plants! By keeping out UV rays, double wall polycarbonate panels, which have a cellular structure able to diffuse direct sunlight, are ideal for greenhouses.

As we move deeper into the 21st century, architects are learning how to merge the functional requirements of construction with the holistic elements that benefit the planet and the people—and plants!—that depend upon it. It’s a new mindset for a new era, one particularly suited for a company like Danpal, which lives out its Global Vision, Local Focus motto in all our business practices.

Learn more about our Double Wall Polycarbonate System Danpatherm HERE!

The Strength And Appeal Of A Double Skin Façade System

What is “double skin facade”?

A double skin façade is a structural term that refers to the two façades of a building, typically the vertical element, with a cavity in between them. Within that cavity is an air flow. The benefit of this system is the way that it maintains a consistent temperature, a sign that energy is being used efficiently. If you’re cozy and warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, then you probably don’t even think about whether or not your heating and cooling systems are operating at their most efficient levels. But when energy is being lost, and temperatures have to be adjusted, it’s a sign that you’re losing energy. Energy lost is energy wasted and that means money is spent for energy you aren’t using. Installation of an architectural curtain wall can restore the balance of your heating and cooling systems so that the double skin façade takes on some of the work of keeping a building’s interior spaces warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

The matter of energy is particularly apparent in big-city construction, where limited space makes high-rise buildings an inevitable part of the landscape. However, these buildings carry immense weight, an obstacle in architectural design. An architectural curtain wall alleviates the issue of weight by adding polycarbonate, which carries a high convection coefficient rather than a construction material that would lead to greater thermal loss.

The subject of façades leads to an examination of polycarbonate. When a segment of a building’s front exterior employs a polycarbonate curtain wall system as part of daylighting architecture, we’re reminded of the powerful visual appeal of glass. Thanks to the major improvements made in façade engineering, polycarbonate is a primary construction material for contemporary buildings.

Curtain walling describes the nonstructural outer wall of a building whose purpose is to block weather from penetrating the structure’s interior while at the same time ensuring the comfort of the people within.

The nonstructural status of a double glazing curtain wall allows it to be made out of lightweight material like polycarbonate. A primary aspect of double skin façade detail is its ability to present a barrier to the air and moisture that wind, rain, and snow could bring inside. These double façade systems can withstand the wind loads while absorbing the wind sway.

The polycarbonate of a double skin façade system adds flexibility to the design of the building, because it can be molded into

different shapes. A double-skin curtain wall’s performance is matched by its attractive aesthetic benefits, with transparent and translucent capabilities that feature natural light as part of the internal setting. By its ability to allow sunlight to enter into a building, a curtain wall façade helps to economize on energy costs. That’s because you’re using more natural light and less artificial light. The way that technology has enhanced the properties of polycarbonate has turned polycarbonate into an ally in the regulation of building heating and cooling. Further investigation into the properties of the architectural curtain wall will validate your decision to install it in your home or office building.

Architectural Curtain Wall Energy Efficiency

Curtain Wall System

You might think that a nonstructural component of a building design would be an insignificant part of the structure, but that’s not the case. polycarbonate panel façades assist a building in the crucial area of energy efficiency, a topic which has become a shared concern of a growing majority of the world’s population. Keep in mind that the double skin façade, because the intermediate cavity between the two layers reinforces the system’s insulating capacity against winds, extremes in temperature, and also sound, offers a multifunctional advantage.

A building’s thermal efficiency needs to be able to perform in both high and low temperatures, a task which a polycarbonate curtain wall can easily accomplish. Double skin façades, because of their adaptability to hot and cold temperatures, add diversity to the heating and cooling process. If you live in a cold climate, the air buffer serves as a barrier to prevent heat loss. On the other hand, when the cavity in the polycarbonate curtain wall has absorbed heat, it’s able to provide warmth for space outside the polycarbonate, thereby lowering the demand on your indoor heating system. Your architectural curtain wall can also be enhanced with modifications such as inlets, outlet fins, or air circulators to benefit the performance of the façade.

The double skin façade system, which readily adapts to the temperature changes brought by the different seasons of the year, improves the internal insulation by keeping it dry, lowering utility costs, and supporting environmental standards designed to benefit the planet and the people who live on it.

Another feature of a double polycarbonate curtain wall system that enhances its ecological value is the fact that polycarbonate is inherently better able to keep its appearance and integrity longer than more traditional building materials. For one thing, polycarbonate doesn’t rust the way metal does. It doesn’t become weathered the way that wood does. A polycarbonate curtain wall provides a dual purpose by supporting energy efficiency, always a priority in our climate-conscious world, and at the same time, strengthening the system itself. This immunity to the danger posed by the elements makes your double curtain wall environmentally superior in performance.

How Danpal’s Double Skin Façades Benefit the Environment

We all know that in poorer countries, maintaining sustainable environmental practices can be a challenge. But did you know that in industrialized countries, buildings account for 40% of the energy usage? Our buildings are modern and technologically advanced, but it’s our responsibility to make sure that they adhere to the federally regulated environmental standards which are intended to protect the planet. Double skin façades are proven to effectively improve thermal efficiency. This advance in the architectural curtain wall structure achieves that highly desired win-win combination: thermal efficiency that promotes responsible energy usage while, at the same time, providing a financial benefit to the individual. Danpal is committed to customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility; with our polycarbonate curtain walls, we fulfill both

Danpal, which because of its commercial presence on five continents is acknowledged as an international leader in the building industry, is especially diligent in developing and maintaining systems like the double skin wall for façade which please our clients and protect our environment.

The quest for improved energy efficiency has led to the development of a double skin façade that not only supports good environmental stewardship but also provide better overall weather protection for buildings. The double skin curtain wall system is one of the ways in which Danpal research and innovation have helped the company remain true to its Global Vision, Local Focus philosophy in its business practices. With half a century of experience in the building industry, Danpal has become a leader in new and innovative product manufacturing that is as high in performance quality as it is holistic in its effects on the environment.

Contact us today for a free demonstration of the Danpatherm System and be ready for your next double skin façade project!

Double Glazed Facade


Double glazed facade is designed so that air flows within the gap between the two facades. The Danpathern panels in the façade system allows either the interior or exterior one to be removed without reducing the effectiveness of the weather protection.  This is an obvious advantage when considering long-term maintenance. Danpal prides itself on the ease of installation of its products, something which is demonstrated fully with its double glazed facades.

Double Glazed Façade Design Saves Time and Money

The Danpatherm panels are pre-fabricated at the factory and arrive at the worksite ready to be installed.  The efficiency of this production process reduces the amount of time and number of workers who are needed for the installation of the system. Whenever time is saved, the economic advantage shows up soon after in the bank account.  The efficiency of production is a Danpal characteristic, one which is appreciated by architects and clients alike. 

Double Polycarbonate Facades Reinforce Protection From The Elements

Danpatherm is a Danpal product that possesses superior thermal properties, making it particularly adept at storing and transmitting heat. It also possesses the level of strength that is wind-resistant, keeping out those parts of nature that belong outside, not in.  

Double Skin Facade Bring In Natural Light

Another special attraction of the Danpal double skin facade is the way that natural light is incorporated into the interior of the structure.  Controlite System, which is made of translucent glazing materials, has internal louvres which adjust in order to maintain a no-glare interior space within the rooms. This provides natural light that results in better visibility, contributes to the comfort of the interior, and spares the occupants from the glare that would be present outside. No need for sunglasses inside, even if the sunlight is present!

Read about the light transmission of double wall polycarbonate sheets >

Learn More about Danpatherm System and use it in your next Double Glazed Facade Project

Creative ideas to design a building with facade systems

When it comes to designing a building, the final finishing touch that gives it a polished and smart appearance is the type of facade systems that is chosen.

The structure of the building has its role, but the facade is the decoration that gives life to the building and is the prime ethical component that adds that charm.

This is why you should not rush the decision-making process. Some designers have their pre-determined facade decided for all projects they work on and are fairly inflexible when it comes to changing things up.

It is important that designers think about a horses for courses scenario. Certain types of facade will suit certain types of buildings, while some facades will look absolutely disastrous on them. This is why you need to keep in mind a few rudimentary variables and remarks when conducting the selection process.

Be creative with your Facade Systems

Don’t be stood in the same old rigid thought process project after facade systems project. Instead, get your creative juices flowing. This is highly likely the reason why you got into design in the first place, you enjoyed the creative and imaginative aspect of the design process and see the image in your head come to life in front of your eyes.

Understand the huge role light plays in your selection

As a designer, you will be well aware of the importance of natural light. The pattern of light is hugely important when it comes to the facade of a building.
You need to be aware at what sort of angles the sunlight will be hitting the building at different times of the day and adjust for that. By factoring this into your calculations, you will also be able to instantly improve the interior quality when it comes to natural light.

translucent facade system

Choosing a Facade, Horses for courses

When it comes to choosing a facade, don’t just go for the one that is currently in trend just for the sake of it. Make sure that you take your time fitting the style of the building with the right facade. You don’t want one aspect of the building spoiling everything else.

You also want to ensure that the type of facade you are using is appropriate for the climate in the region. If the building is located in a poorer climate where there’s a lot of rain and wind, there will be different requirements compared to if it was a sunnier climate.

Danpal and their selection of facade systems

Whatever your needs are when it comes to facade systems, Danpal can cater to them. It doesn’t matter what sort of structure you are building, the right design is out there for you.

Transparent facades are really the going trend these days. The Danpal framed facade is one of the most popular options being used as it offers great weather protection, has high impact resistance, and is transparent. All of these systems allow for a great transfer of light and also have optimal thermal dynamics.

Contact us today for a free demonstration of our Facade System and be ready for your next project!